Living life
Someone very wise pointed out that every day consists of 86,400 seconds. And we were asked to consider each second as a currency. We could use the currency wisely or waste it foolishly. Each second is a finite moment. Ekhart Tolle rightly pointed out that, that is all you have. He advised us to live in that moment, in each moment.
Look at yourself, your family, friends, colleagues, or anyone, and you realize that most of us live in the past or future, while moments go by wasted. But wait a minute, aside from living in memories or visualizing future scenarios, the moments are wasted in media overload.
Another fact of life besides the fact of inevitable death, is the fact that time waits for no one. Time moves on. Suddenly we realize that from being teenagers, we are adults. We were looking forward to this day. We were not prepared for the responsibilities. Moments were wasted every day. Before you know it, you are married, have children, and more responsibilities. You look in the mirror and see how you have changed. When you meet up with friends, the common slogan is “those were the days”. Really?
Living life is about relishing the day given to you. Because you remain aware that the end could come at any time. This is not a morbid thought. It is reality. Yes, every day is a gift. Every moment too. Take a deep breath and look at Mother Nature. The beautiful flowers are breathtaking to see. But they wither and die, while others take their place. Invest your currency of moments in the present moments. Live life in each moment.
If you do not live your life but live in memories, future dreams, and media, then you are wasting the precious currency gifted to you. Every day you are gifted 86,400 seconds or moments. Even if you fail to realize this wealth, you may get another chance tomorrow, or maybe not.